
Timely submission of your forms is extremely important. Basic timeline - submit before the end of the semester you are currently enrolled to ensure VMS has enough time to complete the necessary coding for Student Financial Services and to pre-certify enrolls. 

Veteran Categorical Waiver: If you have veteran status and VMS has your DD214 on file, submit your Categorical Waiver each semester you wish you use the benefit. The Categorical Waiver for Veteran Status removes your tuition. Please drop off your Categorical waiver or email to 

See Tuition and Fees here

十大彩票平台 Cert: If you are using CH31, CH33, Transfer CH33, CH35, or 1606 submit a 十大彩票平台 Cert each semester that you want to use for your VA educational benefit. 12 credits is considered full time for the VA. Please drop off your 十大彩票平台 cert or email to 

National Guard: submit your credit count for the semester to the National Guard portal for your unit to approve. Once you receive approval and your certificate - please drop off your certificate, or email to

Reservists/Active Duty: Contact your education office and submit the tuition and fees through that office. For your tuition: use this website and divide the “total without insurance” by the number of credits you are taking for your per credit dollar amount. Follow the strict guidelines set by your education office for your branch as they are different. DODMOU does not allow back billing - so you are financially responsible if you do not submit in the required window. 

Billing Timeline

Paperwork must be turned into Veteran and Military Services before the semester starts to ensure a timely payment. Turning in your paperwork at the end of your current semester is preferred. 

CH33 and Transfer33 require two certifications: the first is done two weeks before the semester start and the second is completed after add/drop (usually week 3 of a semester). The VA will verify your monthly enrollment at the end of each month and typically pays out near the 1st. Your months will be back-ended versus being front-loaded.


You can quickly accrue unanticipated debt with the VA if you do not let the School Certifying Official know that you dropped/withdrew or were dropped from a class. 

Your MAH (BAH) will change based on your credit amount and you could owe the VA - so it is critical to notify after you drop/or were dropped. 

CH33/Transfer 33 - if you drop/withdraw or are dropped - you will likely have to pay for those classes. Please reach out to the Veterans Academic Counselor to discuss the best option.